The phoenix group was very excited to be asked by GlobalTV News to do an interview to discuss the foreclosure increase in Alberta recently! We are seeing an up-tick in foreclosures up in the great white north in Edmonton. This follows the historical trend where the volume of foreclosures will be highest in Calgary due to the exploration/engineering/geological positions being the first to go in an oil downturn, then the front-line jobs are at risk 6-9 months down the line. The most important thing to remember – is that there is help out there for struggling home owners, before the banks get involved companies like ours can help with:
- Education on your options
- provide foreclosure rescue
- pay back payments/provide a quick sale
- help with moving costs+ first/last months rent
- many other services to help you move forward in a positive direction
Full article and video here:
Foreclosures in Alberta up about 25% annually for past 2 years