There are uncertain times ahead for Calgary real estate investing, Investing in Alberta at large and around the world at this time. One of the most popular strategies is generally flipping houses, which is on all of those damn TV shows that give people a “reality tv” view of the world which is 100% false!
Will, there be deals in this marketplace I have been asked a lot recently – I think there certainly will and we have been seeing those starting to happen. When it comes to flipping homes there are some key ingredients;
1. Making money in the BUY
2. Keeping your budget under control – 15% contingency for the renovation and for the ARV
3. Manage the time so your project is done on time and back up for sale quickly
4. Ensure that your sales price is one that will sell quickly (below market for the renovated condition)
5. Don’t get emotionally attached to a sales price – you need to drop it until it sells.
The market will be unpredictable, there are a lot of factors for real estate investors that need to be considered:
1. affordability will be down
2. not as many buyers in the market
3. housing starts in Alberta will be way down this year
4. Inventory will move slower than normal
5. Value placed on renovations will be lower in some price points
Real estate is a business that is all about the numbers, when you are flipping a house there is not a lot of customer service, warranty, staff to worry about (until you are a much larger organization) because most of the operation is done with contractors. When you are executing in this market space in Calgary especially that has been hit hard recently due to the pandemic of COVID-19 – you need to work with others that have been there before through different market cycles.
Is this your first foray into real estate, congratulations you are getting in at a good time – why? Because more money is made during a crisis than at any other time. That said, the exit for the real estate will be more challenging, you need a rock star real estate agent and power team to help you.
We are here to help serve and support connecting you to the right resources to be successful in this area of real estate or any other you looking to learn or expand into.
Contact us here to book a time to chat
To your success,
Tim Reid
-Respect The Hustle