Do you have the Right Real Estate tools in your belt?

good foundation, start right, build a power team


The only way that you can build a house that won’t fall down is to start with all the right tools, most people say you need a good foundation – which is true but if the people pouring that foundations don’t have the right tools the foundation will be terrible.  A real estate business is much the same, without the right tools you will have a very shoddy product with which you will be trying to use to turn a profit.  Even IF you have all the right tools and resources put in front of you or you have been told about them if you don’t know how you USE those tools properly you might “cut off a finger or two” trying to get things off the ground properly and see results in a reasonable time frame. There are many real estate tools that you have likely been told about in courses or other resources such as:

-build a power team

-find a good lawyer

-get three quotes from contractors

-have a home inspector

-find a great mortgage broker

-build a website

– Have a social media presence

However has anyone of those courses or resources actually shown you all the specific details on HOW to execute all those items (and more) on the list?  I know from experience that learning about all these things the hard way through trial and error can take cost you dearly in time and money, not to say that I did not learn a truckload of things from that experience. That said, I normally like to take advice from successful people from the past such as Albert Einstein who said “don’t ever memorize anything you can look up” and adapting that advice a little to say that you should not waste too much time learning skills and thrashing around in the dark without a direction if there is a better way or you can leverage someone else’s experience so that you do not make the same mistakes.  I think that the investment of time and money (sometimes both) in working with and networking with other successful real estate investors can provide exponential returns.  The only resource we can not make more of no matter how much technology advances in this world is time – we only have the same 24 hours each day to get things done, so how much do you really want to accomplish in a day?

To your success!

Tim R


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About Tim Reid

About Tim Reid

Tim is a sophisticated real estate Investor and Telecommunications Engineer. He has completed projects in Calgary and the US, and has partnered with experts in all areas of real estate.

Tim is also a real estate educator/Mentor who is always willing to help new investors accelerate their business to the next level. Through holistic and custom courses Tim helps investors of all backgrounds reach their business goals faster.