Featured in Global TV Foreclosures Alberta

The phoenix group was very excited to be asked by GlobalTV News to do an interview to discuss the foreclosure increase in Alberta recently! We are seeing an up-tick in foreclosures up in the great white north in Edmonton. This follows the historical trend where the volume of foreclosures will be highest in Calgary due to the exploration/engineering/geological positions being the first to go in an oil downturn, then the front-line jobs are at risk 6-9 months down the line.  The most important thing to remember – is that there is help out there for struggling home owners, before the banks get involved companies like ours can help with:

  1. Education on your options
  2. provide foreclosure rescue
  3. pay back payments/provide a quick sale
  4. help with moving costs+ first/last months rent
  5. many other services to help you move forward in a positive direction

Full article and video here:

Foreclosures in Alberta up about 25% annually for past 2 years

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About Tim Reid

About Tim Reid

Tim is a sophisticated real estate Investor and Telecommunications Engineer. He has completed projects in Calgary and the US, and has partnered with experts in all areas of real estate.

Tim is also a real estate educator/Mentor who is always willing to help new investors accelerate their business to the next level. Through holistic and custom courses Tim helps investors of all backgrounds reach their business goals faster.